Global proof of personhood in the age of AI. Mini Apps Edition

<aside> 👋 Hello Hackers! Join us in building the largest network of real humans!


About Worldcoin and World ID

The Worldcoin Orb with a World ID.

The Worldcoin Orb with a World ID.


Worldcoin is building the world’s largest identity and financial network as a public utility, giving ownership to everyone. Currently, over 6M people have signed up and claimed their World ID!

Learn more.

World ID

World ID, part of the Worldcoin ecosystem, is the privacy-first identity protocol that brings global proof of personhood to the internet.

World ID is a digital passport that lets you prove you are a unique and real person while remaining anonymous.

Learn more.

🧑‍💻 The Hackathon

<aside> 📎 Questions? Join our Telegram Chat!


<aside> 📲 Important for IOS users! If you have an IOS device and are planning to build a mini app at the hackathon please reach out to @andytwang through TG to pre-flag your device.


🎯 The Goal

Build a Mini App with a Real World WLD or World ID use case.

Note: Mini apps are a developer preview still and should be off the record and not shared outside of this event.

📋 Guidelines

🤑 Prizes

$ 15,000 USD are up for grabs at the hackathon for devs who build on top of World ID, distributed as follows:

Any prizes not awarded will be distributed to the prize pool.

We are strongly valuing apps that can be published as a complete mini app. Scope your projects accordingly.

🧑‍⚖️ Judging criteria

🧰 Hacking with Worldcoin

<aside> 💡 Don’t have the app? We recommend you download World App before coming to the venue, in case there are connectivity issues.


⭐️ Getting Started

🔗 Mini App Docs (easiest)

🔗 Quick Start (easiest)


🔗 Privacy in World ID

🔗 The Orb: Open source hardware

🔗 Biometric performance for 1B+


🔗 Developer Portal

🔗 Quickstart Template Repository


🔗 World ID FAQs

🔗 Humanness in the Age of AI

🔗 Discord

🔗 Twitter